CLIENT: Dr. Deane Waldman, MD, MBA

Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Helping a doctor bring the American Healthcare System back from the brink of disaster

Dr. Deane Waldman is an amazing individual. His lifelong medical career in Pediatric Cardiology and his current appointment to the New Mexico Health Exchange by the
state governor are impressive on their own, but not as impressive as what he has set out to accomplish: The
complete rethinking and overhaul of the failing American Healthcare System.

Dr. Waldman initially hired us to design the cover of his latest book "The Cancer in the American Healthcare System" , as shown below.

BUSINESS TYPE: Health care advocacy and information; speaker and medical systems expert

LOCATION: Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

PROJECTS COMPLETED: Book jacket designs, website design, various marketing projects


The book was released in December 2015 and is currently available on and several other booksellers. It gives a hard-hitting account of the floundering American Healthcare System, including the monstrously inefficient and ineffective bureaucratic boondoggle known as Obamacare. Even if you have "insurance" you may discover to your shock that your medical expenses aren't really covered. We recommend the book for all Americans, especially those approaching their senior years.

Dr. Waldman then lays out in simple, easily
understandable terms, an actual workable and affordable health care system that could be easily adopted that would provide real care and treatment to patients instead of lining the pockets of administrators, politicians, lawyers and bureaucrats: Direct-Pay USA.

Besides its simplicity, it would also cost less than HALF of Obamacare (the so called "Affordable" Care Act) that threatens to overwhelm government budgets for decades.

Extensive website offers a workable, affordable plan to ensure Americans regain control over their health care, eliminating typical government waste, confusion and red-tape

Working closely with Dr. Waldman, we constructed a large website containing the details of why our current systems are failing (Medicaid, Medicare, Obamacare) and how most of the trillions that are spent do NOT go to actual doctors for patient care, but instead are funneled to regulators, administrators and bureaucrats.

The site contains an extensive set of articles written by Dr. Waldman, along with streaming radio interviews, video lectures and webinars. It is an excellent source of documentation for the media, investigators and politicians. New content is regularly being added to provide a horrifying picture of waste and lack of care, that can be realistically fixed — as long as "we the people" demand it. We highly recommend that anyone concerned with health care view the site, to grasp the full situation and get behind Dr. Waldman's push for healthcare reform:

Cover designs created for a series of 7 eBooks by Dr. Waldman

Dr. Deane Waldman is determined to bring awareness to the American general public and the media about the farce which is healthcare in the United States, where the bulk of the trillions of dollars spent on healthcare goes to administrators, bureaucrats, lawyers, inspectors and paper pushers—but surprisingly very little ends up in the hands of doctors and hospitals for actual patient care. We designed the eBook covers below for further information and insight into the entirely corrupt and crippled healthcare system, from the unique viewpoint of a medical doctor and surgeon who has lived through the downward spiral of health care into the mess we have today.

eBook covers for iPad, Kindle and other epub readers

Comments from Dr. Deane Waldman:

"It is very easy to write a testimonial about Design Strategies and Len Williams. Whether it was my book covers or websites, I did not simply get what I said I wanted. I got what was good — better in fact than what I originally had in mind. That is the mark of a great designer: Someone who gives you everything you did not know you really needed."

— DR. DEANE WALDMAN is the author of “The Cancer in the American Healthcare System” and
“Restoring Care to American Healthcare”. Host of

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