KRC Mining Consultants

Rebranding and marketing solutions help to expand KRC by 500% over 4 years

Here is a classic case of a company that had everything going for it except its marketing. They delivered great business and technical consulting for mining corporations across Australia, but weren't expanding fast enough despite the high quality of service and pleased customers. They had an office in a large commercial office building in downtown Sydney, Australia — and they wanted to GROW.

What was missing was a coordinated professional corporate image and marketing materials for their website, brochures, and magazine advertising. In essence, they looked like a small company.


Consulting and administrative services for mining corporations


Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


Logo/branding/corporate image, website design, brochure design, magazine ads, web banners, etc.

Branding and corporate image development

Here is a classic case of a company that had everything going for it except its marketing. They delivered great business and technical consulting for mining corporations across Australia, but weren't expanding fast enough despite the high quality of service and pleased customers. They had an office in a large commercial office building in downtown Sydney, Australia — and they wanted to GROW.

What was missing was a coordinated professional corporate image and marketing materials for their website, brochures, and magazine advertising. In essence, they looked like a small company.

Coordinating services and website development

KRC had what we call an "ideal problem". They were well liked by their customers and had tons of testimonials detailing the successful expansions and profitability of their clients, but their marketing materials just didn't fit with their highly professional services and products.

After the logo was completed we worked with them to list all the services they were able to deliver — and this turned out to be a 3-month project of sorting through and coordinating their possible delivery services and products.

The next stage involved describing the services and the benefits they offered to customers. In the process of the sort-out it was revealed that there were 3 significantly different mining industry categories that needed to be kept separate: Mining Companies (coal, metals, minerals), Cement Companies that mined their own rock and gravel, and Aggregate Companies that mined and crushed rock to sell to cement companies, construction companies and road builders. The site contained a total of 45 pages, with an intuitive, easy to use navigation system.

Nearly instant expansion and recognition from companies in Africa, South America and India

We launched the website along with a series of capabilities brochures and magazine ads, and almost immediately KRC started to receive phone calls and emails from mining companies in Australia.

Requests for information then started pouring in from customers in Africa, South America, India and the Middle East. People were responding to the ads and website in a way that had never been expected by the company's executives.

Their small office was no longer large enough for their expanding staff, and eventually they took over the entire floor of their high-rise office building. Their expansion continued over 4 years until they were operating at 5 TIMES the volume of services and income prior to starting with Design Strategies.They had representatives flying to mines across the southern hemisphere to consult with corporations they'd never even dreamed of working with.

Wins from KRC Mining Consultants:

"I wanted to take this opportunity to formally thank you for your invaluable assistance over the past two years. We had a website we had designed in-house and which provided little or no new business. In working with you, we have ended up not only with a website that people always comment favorably on, but one that brings in new international business for us on a continual basis. Since the site has been up, we have attracted clients from Columbia, Trinidad, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and India. This is a remarkable outcome and one that has done much to insulate us from the financial situation in the Australian market.

"A big part of the success of the new site was also the rigorous way that you had us confront what it is we do and what we offer to our clients that is valuable. I think that this was the most difficult barrier to push through – you helped us clarify in simple terms what it was we did and the value of it. It would seem obvious (in retrospect) that if we couldn’t give you a quick, simple and succinct summary of our services, then it would be difficult to get a potential client to understand the same thing – but this was a real struggle at the time and one which you worked hard to get us through.

"Finally, it is worth noting that our website is not just for potential clients, but also for potential staff. In this day and age, Internet-savvy, switched on employees are going to look to your site to help determine whether it is worth applying for a job with you – our experience is that how our website looks has made a big difference to the quality of the people we have been able to hire. Working with you is helping us to achieve our goal of building a large, viable, international consulting business."

— Steve Franklin, President of KRC Mining Consultants