Illustrations, Line Drawings, Diagrams, Charts and Infographics

Illustrations are wonderful for demonstrating how things work, for highlighting technical features and for creating arresting artwork that grabs people's attention. We have done a wide variety of illustration work for many industries, products and services:

Illustrations of shipping/storage containers, dumpsters and trailers

We've been working with The Moving Box Company of Florida for the last few years to help them promote their company's moving and hauling services. They've recently included rentals of 20-foot shipping containers for use as on-site storage that is secure and lockable for construction sites and many other uses. They offer 3 different sizes of dumpsters for the collection of yard waste, remodeling debris and general cleanup. Their newest product is a wheeled trailer for easy transport to a dump or drop-off area.

The company didn't have any current photos of their new equipment and hired us to create illustrations for use on their website and other promotional materials.

Original rush concept design for a trade show booth

We got a call at about 9:30pm one evening, asking if we could come up with an original concept for a round 10-foot trade show booth design for the launch of a new rehabilitation exercise machine for a company in California. The needed the illustration completed by noon the following day so they could present it to their board of directors for approval. The booth was to be cylindrical, with semi-transparent walls and a closeable door, with a video screen, seating and the new device on display inside. We completed the finished design by 3am and emailed it to their marketing department. They liked the design so much that they decided to do a 2-story version, an exterior catwalk and meeting space on the second floor.

Character illustrations for a restaurant in Ohio

Doughby's Restaurant is located in Oxford, Ohio, just north of Cincinatti. The city is home to Miami University, founded in 1809 and named after a local Indian Tribe. Doughby's is open 7 days a week until 3:00 and 4:00am for hungry students involved in late night study sessions. We have done a series of 3 different versions of the Doughby's character as shown below, and expect to do several more for the restaurant in their continuing promotions.

Book cover illustration

This illustration (created in Adobe Illustrator) was created for Dr. Deane Waldman's book "Curing the Cancer in U.S. Healthcare". After the initial illustration was approved we then designed the full cover design (front, back and spine). Part of the many skills we bring to the table is working out complex communications into artwork that is easy to understand.

Prototype parts illustration

All manufactured products start out from a basic concept. This illustration is a single plastic part that allows a handle to connect to an adjustable ball joint. We received a photo of the part and then created detailed drawings of the piece and rough dimensions to enable the manufacturer to begin work on fully detailed CAD drawings prior to machining the dies for the molding of the parts. If you're an inventor and need line drawings of your creation, give us a call.

Product prototype illustration

This ingenious product is designed to light your Christmas tree with three light projectors placed around the bottom of the tree. We were hired by The Christmas Tree Halo to create their new logo and product illustrations for use in their marketing of their new product. We photographed a prototype unit and then created the illustrations from the photos. The product comes in both candy cane red and white, and solid green as shown in the 2 sets of illustrations. This type of illustration provides a semi-realistic presentation created by gradient shading of the product.

Instruction illustrations for IPS Corporation

IPS manufactures plumbing supplies, roofing products and structural adhesives under the Weld-On brand. We were contacted to create a series of line drawing illustrations for various plumbing products
to demonstrate installation procedures. A large part of the challenge lies in figuring out how to draw the images so that they easily communicate the text that accompanies each illustration. Shown in the top illustration is a test plug used in shower installations, and a closet flange plate that goes underneath a toilet. Drawings can be done in black, white and shades of gray or full color as required.

Illustrations for an anti-snoring device

VitalSleep is a company in New York that designs and manufactures special adjustable mouthpieces that gently move the lower jaw forward, which opens up the airways in the back of the throat thus allowing snorers to breathe easily at night. The company asked us to update their existing drawings to show the anatomical effects of the VitalSleep device, along with several other illustrations demonstrating how to custom-fit the device for first time use.

Demonstration drawings for Titan Oil Recovery

This drawing is one of a series we created for Titan Oil Recovery to show their unique biologically based oil recovery methods as part of the Titan Process.

Roman coin logo illustration

A client brought us an old woodcut engraving of "Janus", the 2-headed Roman god of doorways, archways, beginnings and endings. We were asked to create a metallic-looking coin image for a financial services/investment company logo. The challenge was to develop a method of drawing the various surfaces to look as if they were stamped in low-relief in gold and silver. The effect was achieved by the use of gradients of yellows and browns to simulate gold; and white, grays and black to simulate silver. It was a tricky process to work out the reflectivity patterns, but the results turned out great, and the client loved it.

Location and facilities illustrations

The City of Dunedin, Florida hired us to create a brochure for their downtown baseball stadium that has been the spring training home of the Toronto Blue Jays for over 33 years. The brochure includes 2 large illustrations of the stadium and grounds, and the secondary practice area containing 6 additional baseball fields. We used Google Maps satellite photos of both locations, and created simplified drawings of the areas to show the various facilities. We also created a map of Florida showing the various Florida Grapefruit League teams and their home stadiums in the state.

Technical line drawings and shaded product illustration

These detailed illustrations are great for product mockups, instruction manuals and specialized advertising. All illustrations were created in Adobe Illustrator and carefully shaded with gradient fills to have a near-realistic look. The screen shots on the MacBook Air, iPhone and iMac were tweaked in Photoshop, then added to the Adobe Illustrator drawings. This style of illustration is great for products that are soon to be released or are only in the prototype phase, for catalogs or web use. Just about any level of detail and drawing style can be created. Give us a challenge!

Variations on a theme

We've created hundreds of illustrations for many companies over the years in many different styles. A single piece of artwork can be presented in many different ways, so feel free to challenge us.

Do you know what you want but don't see it here? Give us a call to discuss your specific needs: (727) 766-6888.

Illustrations for how-to manuals and brochures

These drawings were created as part of a series of illustrations, graphs and charts for a sales manual for a successful California firm. The technical ins and outs of how to organize a sales team, flow lines, commissions and a basic understanding of how to achieve personal success were quickly demonstrated in an easy to understand and friendly style that made a potentially dry and confusing subject very appealing.

Resizable multi-textured vector image drawing in Adobe Illustrator not Photoshop

Sometimes projects come up where a logo needs to be redrawn in vector format (made of lines, shapes and curves instead of pixels) because it has to be used at many different sizes. In this case, the Entertainment Tonight logo had to look perfect and crisp but all we had was a small JPG image that simply couldn't be enlarged without looking chunky and pixelated. The usual solution would be to create a HUGE version in Photoshop and then reduce it as necessary — but Photoshop files can be very large, unwieldy, tricky to work with and are still pixel-based. Instead we used Adobe Illustrator to create what looks like a meticulously airbrushed, semi-3D logo with shadows, gradient fills and feathering, but has a tiny file size and can be resized up or down without any loss of image quality. This is a huge plus for many clients who use their branding on everything from brochures, magazine ads and websites to the sides of buses and giant billboards. The line drawing on the left shows the actual paths that make up the Entertainment Tonight logo. Our creatives know their tools and can work magic. We didn't design the ET logo, but we were able to redraw it in a format that our client could use without the limitations of pixel-based artwork.

Illustrations for books, manuals, magazines and technical publications

Dr. Gottfried Lange commissioned a series of illustrations, graphs and charts for his book "How to Really Prevent and Cure Heart Disease" (on sale at Dr. Lange is an MD, Naturopath, nutritionist, researcher, lecturer and author who travels Europe and North America with his news of hope for heart disease and high blood pressure without the use of pharmaceuticals. We were provided with rough line drawings and artwork and created a consistent look throughout the book to make the understanding of this rather complex subject simple.

Call us for your next illustration project

Around the Clock (ATC) provides private health care, companionship and home services for seniors and invalids in Pinellas and West Pasco Counties in Florida. We created a full corporate image that delivered a solid, professional branding for the new company. We also created 3D signage for the company's offices of the new logo design. The branding was continued across the whole campaign, including a mailable brochure, website, four service flyers, business cards and stationery.

Contact Design Strategies for more information on how we can help your company increase its sales leads and income: 727-466-6888

Running a company in today's economy can be hard work. Let us help make your job easier by providing design, marketing and branding services for your website and printed materials. We've helped companies across the U.S., Canada, the UK, Europe, South Africa, and Australia to greatly expand their sales and customers. Give us a call or fill out this form and a representative will be in touch with you shortly.

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