Professional corporate branding and logo design

We've been creating logos, branding and corporate identities for a wide range of businesses and organizations around the world for nearly three decades

We're experts in creating unique corporate identities that make companies stand out from their competitors. Improving your image ALWAYS results in greater public interest and increased sales leads. We've helped clients create beautiful and highly memorable logos for products and services all across the US, and internationally in Canada, the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, South Africa, Australia and recently, India. Here are some of our favorites:

Below is a selection of logo designs and brands from the many hundreds we've designed and developed for companies across the USA and around the world over the last 31 years. Be sure to scroll down all the way to the bottom of the page to see wide variety of unique designs and styles we've created:Image

Below is a selection of logo designs and brands from the many hundreds we've designed and developed for companies across the USA and around the world over the last 31 years. Be sure to scroll down all the way to the bottom of the page to see wide variety of unique designs and styles we've created:

Every logo is unique and created exclusively for you...

Creating "brand awareness" and how it relates to sales

Try to think of such companies as IBM, Nike, FedEx, Microsoft or Apple Computer without recalling their logos. These companies have created a "brand awareness" with their logos which creates a powerful impact on their sales. A great logo isn't just nice to have, it's an ESSENTIAL element of your corporate image — and you live and die in the marketplace by your image. Look through our samples, then give us a call (727-466-6888) to discuss your new logo or updating your existing logo to professional standards.

The right image for your company can make millions for you

We've seen many companies simply explode with new sales leads and income after creating custom logos and revising their websites, ads and brochures with the new image. Give us a call today and we'll begin working on YOUR new image.

Do you have a brand new company, product or service?

Start out the right way with an impecable logo design. We have an inexhaustible wealth of brilliant ideas that will make you look great, and will generate positive feedback from your target market. The saying goes that "you never have a second chance to make a first impression", so make sure you look professional right from the start.

Do you want to update your current logo?

Use our Contact Us form so we can get in touch with you — or you can give us a call at(727) 466-6888. Be sure to type in your website address if you have one, so we can see what your current logo looks like. We've design hundreds and hundreds of logos for companies around the world. We'll make you look effortlessly established, competent and very professional.

Valencia, California

Professional branding makes your company stand out from its many competitors

We created the very distinctive brand identity for Pizza del Sardo Authentic Italian Restaurant in California that made the company really stand out in a sea of Italian pizza joint competitors — even well established brands. The branding made the brand new company look like it had been around for years!

The branding was used throughout its menus, website, flyers, coupons, magazine ads, posters and all other marketing pieces. We even had a hand in naming the company to make it sound authentic Italian. By the way, "Pizza del Sardo" means Pizza from the Island of Sardinia, which is a self-governing district of Italy.

Your logo should make an impact when you hand out your card

Instead of giving a potential customer a plain and boring business card, its design should instantly make people "Wow, nice card!" and remember your branding as being unique and memorable. Give us a call to create the corporate image and branding that tells customers that you're established and professional.

Frequently asked questions about logos:

What do I get when I have a logo created by Design Strategies??

The first thing we'll do is interview you to determine your exact needs and wants. After a few frenzied days of creative work we will email some preliminary sketches or semi-finished artwork to make sure we're on the right track. Then we'll refine the logo design until you are completely satisfied. We'll even design business cards, letterhead and envelopes with the new logo at no extra charge, and provide you with these files you can take to your local print shop to have printed. We'll email the logo files to you in various formats (.JPG, .PNG, .AI or .EPS) in color and black and white so you can use it in invoices, spreadsheets and text documents.

Just why is your company logo design so important that you'd need to hire a designer?

We have seen time and again how a poor or inappropriate logo can work negatively on a company's Public Relations and sales. Your logo is on your business cards, your brochures, website and often on your building, vehicles, hats, jackets, shirts and more. It's the centerpiece of all your marketing efforts. If your logo looks amateurish it makes your company look small and ineffective — like you just don't have it together and it isn't quite as professional as it should be. Logos communicate. It's vital to make sure that yours is communicating the right things to establish consumer trust and confidence. Call or contact us today to discuss how we can improve your company's image.

How much does a logo/rebranding cost?

Logos vary in price range depending on a great many factors. Logos can range from $1000 to $4000 for most projects — or higher for larger corporations with expanded needs and a rigorous development procedure. Each company is different and requires individual research and development of samples—and may go through a lengthy testing and evaluation process, especially for larger companies with an intricate approval process of many board members. When we discuss your project in person or over the phone we will estimate the amount of time and effort involved and provide a written quote with an exact price, along with full specifications of what we will be delivering. Most importantly, we try to make the design process smooth and stress-free.

What do I get when I have a logo created by Design Strategies??

Many factors combine to create a professional look. The various choices of colors, typefaces, layout, contrast and drawing style must be balanced to produce a harmonious blend that:

1) communicates professionalism, and

2) has relevance and is appropriate to your business and products.

The main point to recognize is that if your logo looks amateurish, your company simply won't be considered as a professional company. In over 30 years of design work we have found that increasing the professionalism of our clients' logos and corporate image (where needed) was the first and most important step in improving their marketability, sales leads and income.

What is a tagline and why is it important?

You've often seen short descriptive phrases below a company's logo. These are called taglines and are often vital in establishing the communication of what you do or in forwarding your company's marketing message. Avis Rent-a-Car used "We're Number 2. We Try Harder." as their tagline for years and it helped position them up with the most popular rental company at the time: Hertz. A tagline can be especially important if your company is named something like "Jones & Smith Corporation" which tells nothing about the company's products. However, if the name were followed by, for example, "High-performance sparkplugs and radiators" you'd have a complete communication of what they do.

Can a logo be just text or does it have to be text and some kind of image, or just an icon?

It depends on the type of business you're in and what you want to communicate. McDonald's, Nikon, Intel, Canon and Epson use only text in their logos with recognizable and somewhat unique styles of lettering. Other companies use images along with the text such as Shell Gasoline, AT&T, Apple Computer, Adobe Systems and millions more. We normally will survey the logo after it's completed to determine if the logo communicates the proper message about your company. Survey results are your best indication that a suitable design has been achieved.

Call us for your next logo design project

When your company has a professional logo, you have an identity, a face to present to the world. You can be recognized and identified as a professional, reputable company. We thrive on creating company images and branding that are professional, impressive and appropriate to your industry. We're looking forward to working with you.